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The following are some of the points to compare and contrast VBA with Macro...
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a subset of Visual Basic Programming Language.
As the name suggests, those functions that are necessary for an application (like Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel) are aleniated from Visual Basic Language, and grouped under the title Visual Basic for applications. Hence VBA for Microsoft Word differs from VBA for Microsoft Excel, and VBA for Excel is differs from VBA for OutLook.
Thus we can say that VBA is a subset of VB.
VB Script is a language like Java Script which is dominantly used for internet programming and runs in browser, where as VBA runs from its own application. i.e., VBA Code for Excel runs from Excel, VBA Code for Ms.Word runs from Ms.Word, VBA code for Access runs from Ms.Access etc...also, VB Script is internet programming language from Microsoft Corporation, whereas Java Script is from Sun Microsystems.
The general language constructs of Visual Basic remain the same. For example: 'IF' condition looks the same, as it is in Visual Basic Language, retains the same functionality. Like wise with Looping structures, for example, FOR loop looks the same, as it is in Visual Basic Language.
Meaning: for the people who are familiar with Visual Basic Language, VBA looks fairly simple, but at the same time, it is different as well. Which doesnot necessarily mean, that one should know Visual Basic, before learning VBA., which also doesnot mean that learning to program with VBA is equal to programming in Visual Basic.
VBA Code can be generated either by recording (usualy called macro) or by writing code. However, to edit (make changes) to the code, Microsoft provides with VBE (Visual Basic Editor), a work space where, code is written either my application or by user. VBE is another topic, we shall consider it in Event Driven Programming Model. To check, how editor looks like, press ALT + F11.
To keep it very simple, it is 'Recording user actions'. May be keyboard activity or Menu activity. Application generates back-ground code for each operation that on the application, and stored in a module. This code can be viewed by pressing Alt + F11.
Screen is displayed for reference which displays application generated code for a simple activity as listed below:
The above code looks fairly simple, anyhow, we till try to understand, what it means: I have placed numbers for easy refrerence:
=> range("A1") implies, this range contains one cell in location A1,
=> range("A2:A4") implies, this range contains cells A2, A3, A4,
=> range("A2:B4") implies, this range contains cells A2, A3, A4, B2, B3, B4,
Given context, line 4 - select cell E4.
Point 5: after the required cell is selected, change the Font style to Bold.
Macro is dominantly used for linear actions,
VBA is used for taking decisions or repeating the same actions any number of times.
For Macro, a better example is formatting a spread sheet, say for example, you have a spreadsheet, where 1. heading is to be centered, 2. cells to be merged, 3. text to be left aligned, 4. number column should be formatted to two decimal places, 5. date format should be formatted, etc., then Start recording macro, perform each operation in a sequence. Donot repeat the same action, because, when the macro is run, the same action will be repeated twice.
For VBA programing follow Looping Structures with VBA Code link.
Donot get confused with VB script and VBA as generally addressed
There can be any number of macros in a spread sheet. Each macro can be assigned with a short cut key (from keyboard eg: Ctrl + W). This will help to run directly from spreadsheet, instead of running desired macro from VBE.