Questions, as given in skill for: 
Lesson 1:
Living and Non-living Things


  1. Introduction to lesson one
    What is the introduction to first lesson
    First lesson Introduction
    introduction to first lesson

  2. what is summary to lesson one
    What is the summary to first lesson
    First lesson Summary
    Summary to lesson one

  3. first lesson spellings
    spellings from lesson one
    lesson one new words
    first lesson new words and spellings
    New words first lesson
    New words from first lesson
    New words from lesson one

  4. Lesson One key points
    first lesson key points
    what are the key points from first lesson
    What are the key points to lesson one

  5. What are the two type of things you see around you
    what do you see around
    what are things that you see around you
    things around you
    what are the types of things around

  6. What do living things need to live
    living things need to live
    to live living things
    what living things need to live

  7. Name three living things
    what are three living things
    three living things around you
    three living things

  8. Write the names of three non living things around you
    names of three non living things
    non living things around you
    three non living things around you

  9. write the features of living things
    features of living things
    living things features
    what are the features of living things

  10. Activity: lesson one activity
    What is the activity for first lesson
    what is the activity for lesson one
    activity from lesson one
    first lesson activity


Class I Science - Skill 

  • References to assist with Skill Facts:

(will add to this list shortly...)


The most useful links:

  1. MLJ Trust
  2. CFC India Website
  3. RZIM
  4. Dr. Ravi Zecharias YouTube Channel
  5. Joseph Hoffman - Free Piano Lessons


YouTube Channel 


Customise your Intelligence

I admit and submit to the saying - To Err is Human...
Inspite of all my efforts, mistakes can still creep in., if you find any such, request you to mail me (, so that, this will help the next person to have clean information, also, will help me to correct my mistakes.

I will keep on adding to this web page, parellel to the additions in the Skill

... still to continue...

Please Note with caution: The session remains open until you say STOP or CANCEL. Reason: on my observation, it takes more time, when children try to interact with Alexa...

The following are different ways as to how a question can be asked and still get the same answer - as presented in the skill...

Questions, as given in skill for: 
Lesson 2:

Kinds of Plants

  1. Introduce lesson two
    Introduce second lesson
    Second lesson Introduction
    What is the introduction to second lesson
    Introduction to lesson two

  2. What is summary to lesson two
    What is the summary to second lesson
    Second lesson Summary
    Summary to lesson two

  3. Second lesson spellings
    Spellings from lesson two
    Lesson two new words
    Second lesson new words and spellings
    New words second lesson
    New words from second lesson
    New words from lesson two

  4. Lesson two key points
    Second lesson key points
    What are the key points from second lesson
    What are the key points to lesson two

  5. What are trees
    What is a tree
    about tree
    tell me about tree

  6. What are herbs
    about herbs
    tell me about herbs
    about herbs and examples

  7. Name different kinds of plants
    What are different kinds of plants
    Different kinds of plants
    Plants and their different kinds

  8. Which is the national tree of india
    Indian national tree
    national tree
    national tree of india
    national tree india
    india national tree

How to Launch this skill

  • Enable the skill on the Alexa. 
    To Enable this skill, Just say "Alexa, Open First Class Science" or "Alexa, Launch First Class Science".
  • Alexa will ask to enable this skill, respond saying YES.  This skill can also be enabled through Alexa App on mobile device.
  • The device will provide you with a brief introduction to the skill.

Questions, as given in skill for: 
Lesson 3:
Parts of a Plant

  1. Introduce lesson three
    Introduce third lesson
    Third lesson Introduction
    What is the introduction to third lesson
    Introduction to lesson three

  2. What is summary to lesson three
    What is the summary to third lesson
    Third lesson Summary
    Summary to lesson three
    Introduction to third lesson

  3. Third lesson spellings
    Spellings from lesson three
    Lesson three new words
    Third lesson new words and spellings
    New words third lesson
    New words from third lesson
    New words from lesson three

  4. Lesson three key points
    Third lesson key points
    What are the key points from third lesson
    What are the key points to lesson three

  5. Name different parts of a plant
    Different parts of plant
    What are different parts of plant
    Different plant parts
    Different parts of a plant

  6. What do roots do
    What do roots
    how does roots help plant
    roots hold plant
    what roots do

  7. How to leaves prepare food for the plant
    leaves how prepare food
    how leaves prepare food for plant
    leavs prepeare food how
    leave prepare food for the plant.