
TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), after TQM, Six Sigma, Lean, Lean-SixSigma and others... seems to be the NEXT GENERATION (combinations) Technology / Methodology, primary locus is fixed onto innovations in every field of learning, limited no only to engineering but also to education through education.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the next generation technology, that is already in driving seat, primarily focused onto eliminating human work / labour, its scope is pretty much defined to service sector., next to this technology would be machine learning and artificial intelligence.


The word "Robot"ic has nothing to do with robots, but a software program designed and developed to immitate human actions over computer.


In a single line: RPA is a technology that can mimic human actions... just like a very, very big Excel Macro.

The content published here would be from various sources. May be from History, Geography, Psychology, Religious Studies, Administrative Practices etc.,

I will surely display the source and critical studies against each subject to the best extent. Primarily my emphasis would be on Public Administration, Geography and Psychology

These will specifically be links to other websites, which may of some contextual help.

If you are the site owner and hence, if these links published are objectionable, please mail me and I will remove.

I put forward here only to share knowledge, and seeking no personal interest.

If you have some time, please check my YouTube Channel

Here, I like to publish content related to VBA code for Excel, Access and Outlook (Outlook Content is rarely available). These are mostly from my personal experiences.

At my free time, I respond to questions posted in Microsoft VBA Forum. A good source, for fairly new coders.

This can enhance your skill-set, such link in your resume can add considerable weight.

To gain your confidence, I am in this industry since 1993 and have considerably good knowledge of the posts I publish.

"How VBA Works" is a page that deals with the architecture of VBA programme from a layman's perspective for a common understanding.

@@ Microsoft VBA forum: Link to Forum